
a deep dive into my journey as an aspiring medic and some reflections along the way

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so what speciality in medicine do I want to pursue?

Hey guys and welcome to this week’s blog post! Today I wanted to go over and discuss something that I am always asked once I introduce myself to others and tell them that I am an aspiring medic which is what speciality in medicine I am particularly interested in within medicine. There are a wide…

Extracurriculars: why they are important and some reflections

Hey guys and welcome to today’s blog post! In today’s post I will be talking through extracurricular , what they exactly are , why I believe they are important and finally I will be giving a quick overview on some of the extracurriculars that I have been doing. what is an extracirrucular? Before I start…

The pandemic and what it has taught me !

Hi there and welcome to today’s blog post! In this blog post I will be going over the current pandemic and the general lessons it has taught me about the health care system as well as some of the personal development lessons I have learnt. There are so many things this pandemic has taught me…